Tuesday 31 October 2023

digitisation retains customers


There are multiple aspects of the industry and the community that have benefited from digitisation. As covered in the recent blogs, digitisation has been an extremely important factor when increasing the fitness industry revenue and customers. With the increased footfall towards gyms, the facilities and equipment can keep on improving. Therefore, due to a domino affect,  the customer experience will also be improved, and this may make them want to return. This is pushing the concept that gyms are promising: the idea of customers feeling and looking good; not the promise of a membership. Essentially, gyms have to take care of the customer and the customer will help take care of the gyms.

Digitisation in the recent years and after covid has massively helped with the fitness industry gaining and retaining customers: from increased sales for home equipment and a steady increase in the revenue (UK) since the pandemic. With more gym brands now, than ever before, there is a huge market for people to explore and discover. As mentioned in earlier blogs, gyms use influencers to gain an external market and new potential customers. These influencers are similar to a watered down version of celebrity endorsement. However, they have the added bonus of having their own tight knit community/ fanbase which allows for a more personal advertisement.

Mental health is a huge factor for people wanting to exercise. Whether it be to feel healthier, have a distraction or just want to stay fit, fitness helps with peoples overall health. Exercise does not have to be an individual activity, lots of people love going with a friend or a partner to the gym. This is a great way to stay motivated and improve performance if there is someone else working along side you. Having a friend to go with can also boost mental health as you are sharing an experience with someone. Again, enjoying this exercise is another reason to stay fit and this helps the gyms retains customers - this has led to group workout programmes that the gyms put on for people to improve and become more confident in the gym. 

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Mental Health at the Gym

digitisation retains customers

  There are multiple aspects of the industry and the community that have benefited from digitisation. As covered in the recent blogs, digiti...