Wednesday 11 October 2023

Mental Health at the gym

Not only are gyms/ fitness centres a strong medicine for common mental health challenges, regular exercise also helps with energy, sleep, memory and relaxation. It has been proven that exercise can have a positive impact on depression, anxiety and even ADHD. Many gym influencer's have shared personal experiences of how the gym and exercise has helped them through really challenging times in their lives (Robinson, Segal and Smith, 2023). One popular gym influencer in the community, known as Joey Swoll, helps a lot of people build up their confidence to go into the gym and has coined the name "CEO of Gym Positivity". Joey Swoll has shared some of his personal experiences of the gym helping with his mental health and is using what he learned to help countless others in the fitness community. With a combined Instagram and TikTok following of 10.3 million Joey Swoll recognises how much impact his posts have and accepts anyone into his fitness community. Looking through his videos and comments sections a myriad of people thank him for aiding in building their confidence and helping with their mental health through his influence.  He belives that no matter your age or fitness level, you can learn to use exercise as a powerful tool to deal with mental health problems. 

World Health Organisation 2023

Another way of helping people become more confident at the gym is to bring a friend. As Fricker (2017) mentions, this is a positive suggestion as group activities are more appealing than individual tasks. When customers find something they enjoy, such as going with a friend or participating in group exercises, they will stick with it and most likely go again. Therefore, gyms should focus and advertise more about mental health and making customers feel good; rather than just trying to get customers to look good. 

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Mental Health at the Gym

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