Monday, 30 October 2023

Social Media marketing gains

Since the pandemic, the online fitness community has grown exponentially. Since most industries now have an online presence, it is only right for the fitness industry to follow. Now, there is an abundant amount of influencers within the community. The majority of these Influencers help people feel accepted, recognised and relatable, and there are lots of influencers who gain popularity by sharing experiences.

Fitness company's may also recognise these influencers and reach out to them for some advertising and marketing campaigns. This actively increases awareness of both the gym and influencers followers, therefore, the influencers potential 'fanbase' also increases due to the gyms impact on the community.

Technological forces improve advertising and if integrated correctly then the marketing will allow gyms to become more popular. The recent advances in technology allow for new product development opportunities which the fitness industry can use for its advantages. By introducing new ways to access target markets through marketing integration, there will be an even greater surge in customers toward gyms.

The fitness industry needs to be using multiple marketing strategies to increase awareness and maybe reach other markets to grow potential customers. One of the key aspects about fitness culture is the positivity in the community, making sure each individual is respected and motivated. Integrating the values of the fitness community into marketing allows customers to know exactly what said company is about as well as their beliefs.

An example of using marketing strategies to get people into fitness are charities. For example multiple charities produce challenges during various months of the year for a good cause. Because people can see and respect what the challenge is for, they are more likely to want to register and participate in the challenge. These activities can start out as a challenge but can also grow into people really liking exercise/ fitness. Of course, gyms and charities are different but gyms can still use the premise of 'exercise for something good' and people will hopefully see the reasoning behind joining.

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